Apr 19, 2011

Do we see(k) Him this week? If Not now, then when?

This precious week is coming... quickly. It is upon us..... I can feel it. Are we ready for it?  Have we woken each morning recognizing that we must choose Him today? 

I am seeking Him this week, wanting to feel Him close to me. He is my hope and my salvation. Never do I see that more than here, in this day. This day that is moments away from when He offered Himself up for me....and you.

Passover, Easter... the combination of the two is quite beautiful to me.... as a Christ follower.
Our roots are in the Passover. Jesus ate the passover, also called the last supper (by Christians) with His disciples the night He was betrayed.. and would die a terrible death, as our sacrificial lamb.

 He was our passover.
 As the Passover Lamb must be without blemish, so was ours, perfect, without sin. He took on the sin of the world, for you and for me.

Isaiah 53 talks about the Suffering Servant. This beautiful Jewish book, full of hope of the coming Messiah and yet missed by so many of the faith. It tells how He will be despised, a man of many sorrows. 
" For He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors."
Isaiah 53:12

He was clearly the Messiah, the Son of God.. the One that would lay down His life for you and me.
He was the last sacrifice. No more perfect lambs would need to be spilt out for us. We are free, by the blood of the One and only perfect Lamb.

Would I see Him as the Messiah or would I be Peter and deny Him three times, moments after fleeing  His side?
 Would I be the Jewish Leaders, jealous of Him and wanting Him dead? 
Would I be Pilate, thinking I could wash my hands of this sin the people shouted for and yet being guilty of sending Him to His death?
Would I be the half crazed crowd shouting for His death? Days earlier, they ushered Him in with palms and blessings.
Would I be Mary, who washed His feet with perfume, preparing Him for burial. 
Or the centurion at the foot of the cross who said," Surely he was the son of God."

Who would I be? Who am I here? 
I pray that Easter would take me by surprise this year. Surprised by the grace and mercy of Christ, our living sacrifice.
He died so that we could live and live fully, joyfully, complete in Him.

" In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them,"why do you look for the living among the dead? he is not here; he is risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee: 'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.'" Then they remembered his words.
Luke 24: 5-8

Let us always remember.

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