Jun 29, 2012

"I Know The Plans I Have For You".... So Keep Looking Up.

Two days ago, June 27th I flew home from New York after spending a week with my mom, sister and her family. 
We celebrated my nieces graduation from high school. 
We screamed at a Yankees game. 
We devoured New York Italian food...the food and memories of my youth. 
We also celebrated my dad one more time.
 Then we buried his ashes. 
The way he would have wanted it done.

June 27th would have been my 25th wedding anniversary. Instead I will celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary this September. 
The hubster and I have a 22 year old daughter and almost 19 year old son. 
I am blessed by these people. 

My first marriage ended way to soon. Life threw a curve ball and we struck out.
 Too young to say goodbye, but life (and death) didn't ask permission.
Game over.

Life and loss.
It surrounds us, ever ready to steal our happiness....
hopefully not our joy.
Keep looking up.

I thought of the verse, "I know the plans I have for you. Plans to give you a hope and a future." 
Jeremiah 29:11
God spoke these words to Jeremiah, who was despised for being a prophet of truth to his own people. 
They didn't want the truth and finally were led away to captivity.
Jeremiah stayed true to his God.

I picked up the graduation invitation for my niece and read the same verse written under her picture.
God has plans for this one.
Will she look for them and stay fixed on Him when things fall apart?
Keep looking up.

One does not marry with a notion that two years will bring immense suffering..... losing her husband as she holds her baby girl in her arms. Look up, look up, look up.
One does not expect to still be single in their thirties, wondering if God has someone for them. 
One does not expect a pregnancy to turn into a decision... to keep or abort. The baby may be born with complications, life changing to her and all involved.... Keep. Looking. Up.
One doesn't plan on failing at marriage, friendship, parenting... the things that make a life.
They still happen, catching us by surprise.

This verse reminds us... God is still there.
Even though God spoke those words directly to Jeremiah for a specific time, they remind us today. 
They remind us that even if.... no, when we fall down, lose the love of our life, feel broken and unsure how to go on.... He, the God of the universe, is still there. 
The. God. Of. The. Universe.
Let that sink deep in your soul, where He longs to fill the broken places.

Do you ask Him about the plans he has for you? 
Every day He has a plan.... 
Are you looking up?

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