Musical Chairs...
One of my favorite games as a child. Nothing said competition like this game, at least when I was six.
Simple and yet so exciting. It may not play well today because someone doesn't get a chair... and well, that's not fair.
It's a great picture of life and perhaps prepared me for the chairs I would grow into... and out of.
Musical chairs is great when you are six, but games are just that, not real life. What happens when it seems your life has turned into a game and you can't make it stop?
You end up in a chair you would not have chosen. It's lumpy, ugly and smells. The style seems strange, the frame broken, it doesn't fit your life or house.
Or you might end up on the floor.
Why is it the chair we like, the comfortable, pretty one, we feel pushed out of?We cry, "I like this chair, let me stay!" It's perfect, like a broken in shoe.
I read a blog post this morning asking what I fear.
Finding a new chair. Choosing the right chair.
And what it represents.
If you are in the symphony or orchestra you want First Chair. First place is always best.
I would like First Chair.
I would be front and center. My view would be spectacular. I would have a clear vision of what I was to do and what was ahead.
We are not called to sit in every chair. The chair of shame, anger, fear, anxiety. That is not our chair. It's a cheap imitation. It's a lying, stealing, cheating chair.
Our chair is stuffed with contentment and peace. So what if there are a few lumps.
It is a chair of truth.
It is a prayer chair.
A counseling chair.
A laughing chair.
A chair where joy is shared and tears flow.
It is a big chair, because we invite others to join us. Those we love, trust.. are transparent with.
There is no competition in this chair.
This is not a game.
At some point we will be given a new chair. The good news is we keep the comfy one too.
The new chair is full of unknowns, plans, ideas, gifts and callings. This is God's plan for each of us. We can keep the comfy chair but He asks us to break in the new one, inviting those He places in our paths.
It will call us out of our comfort... but trust that it is okay.
When I look at the covering of my chairs, no matter which one... if I look very, very close I see a covering others may not see.
No matter what house, state, Island (yes, please) or country I may live in... my chair seems to be covered in rich, red velvet. This reminds me of the One who covered me with His life, His death and His resurrection. This cover brings me joy and peace that passeth all understanding no matter where I sit.
My hope for you is that you find joy in the chair God has placed you in today. Be sure it is a chair of truth, covered in rich, red velvet.
I didn't read this the other day as I was too busy but today God led me to read this. I'm sure there is a reason - maybe I need a new chair? Thanks for sharing your insight and beautiful words. - Sherry
ReplyDeleteSherry- I am glad God directed you back to this. I suspect we do need/get new chairs from time to time, though we resist. He is patient with us and will wait on us. Then perhaps one day we will find the chair fits. Watch out then... or he may decide to redecorate again. :)
ReplyDeletecheers and blessings