Dec 29, 2014

Happy New Year... WORD.

Here it comes... The new year.
I'm wondering what it will bring, as I look back on a year that has left me mouth agape, collapsed on the floor in awe and joy, from people who have walked into my life.
When you talk about cups half empty or half full... mine has overflowed.

Looking back to January I think of that big, beautiful word I chose... Freedom and how it served me, enfolded me, wrapped me up like a Christmas gift, and gave me away. Isn't that what we do with freedom? We can't hold on to it. It must be shared, breathed out... spoken, acted out in liberty without hindrance. 
It showed me how to live and perhaps I have only seen the tip of the iceberg... so much freedom to grab hold of, If I am brave enough. Freedom to say yes please, when the Mighty God shows me more of Him and says, "Follow Me." 
Oh how I hope I am brave enough to follow...

I am thinking of my word for this year. What will follow on the heals of freedom? I want to hang on to that word and I will... oh, I will. We build on words, values, beliefs... freedoms.

I tend to get ahead of myself sometimes, becoming afraid... a word might be too big for me, what if I fall apart in the middle of my year, change course, direction, quit (Lord please no) but still sometimes I get tired. 
What if I can't finish my race well?
Do you ever feel like this? 
Like... maybe we finished the race, but we missed the line, didn't see the flag, and no one told us. 

I don't believe it works this way, but I do think satan prefers we believe this. 
Don't buy it my friend.
  This morning I reminded myself of the Truths found in a favorite book by Henri Nouwen.
  In The Name Of Jesus

He reminded me of the verse in the book of Matthew. In chapter six, verse thirty four Jesus tells us, then and now... "Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Do not worry. This is freedom friends. 

Worry about tomorrow. Been there done that, check it off my long list of control tactics.
 Freedom is where I live most of the time... yet many of us will claim freedom and still have moments of struggle. 
We are after all, flesh and blood, this side the veil of eternity, and there will always be a tension.
It's okay. I believe the tension is a gift, our reminder of the One in control, not us. 

And then I read by Henri
"I am convinced that the Christian leader of the future is called to be completely irrelevant and to stand in this world with nothing to offer but his or her own vulnerable self. 
 That is the way Jesus came to reveal God's love. 
The great message that we have to carry, as ministers of God's Word and as followers of Jesus, is that God loves us not because of what we do or accomplish, but because God has created and redeemed us in love and has chosen us to proclaim that love as the true source of all human life."
More freedom. 

I haven't chosen my word yet for 2015 but
maybe vulnerable.
Humble. Words that would challenge me in ways I can't image. But, thats the point...

I'm praying God will direct as He did last year. It was a red letter year for Freedom and I'm praying the same this year.
It focused and reminded me of my journey with Him this past year and I invite you to join me this year.
Find the word that grabs your heart, finds the tension in your soul and takes your breath away, making your eyes seek the heavens each morning, reminding you of Who controls each moment.
That's the start of a red letter year my friend. 
Just don't choose patience....
never, ever ask for patience.
Sheesh... Lord no.

Happy New Year Friends.

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