Sep 10, 2010

Its a slow fade........ casting crowns

Life gets busy, we ignore the most important people in our lives. We get distracted by the fun, the entertainment that creeps into our lives. We are tired from the work it takes to raise a family and provide for them. We stop seeking Gods face when we rise each morning. We don't do it on purpose... we just slow down, a little at a time..... We teach our children when they are little. We sing them Jesus songs and we take them to Sunday school. " Be careful little eyes what you see, be careful little ears what you hear. The father up above is looking down with love, so be careful little ears what you hear." We believe it on Sunday but Monday is right around the corner and coming at us like a freight train off its tracks.  But sometimes we are the train and we don't even realize it , because it is a slow fade... and then we check out.

My heart cry is that we seek his face soon. That we hear his call on our life. That we recognize that he is still there, calling out to us, saying,"its not too late. I am right here, same place as when you walked away. I never left you and i never will."

My heart breaks when I spend time with teens that feel neglected, unloved and unimportant. I want them to know how worthy and special they are. That they are loved by the creator of the universe and that even if they have an earthly father who has abused them and treated them as garbage at worst or ignored them at best...... this is not a picture of their heavenly father.

Everyone of us has a role to play in the raising of our youth. If we touch one young person and show them their value then we have made a difference. I am not talking about our own sons and daughters but Gods sons and daughters who are also our family. When will we realize that we are responsible for them too?  

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