Significance - The quality of being important
Seems like searching for significance..... in all the wrong places.
A family of 8 who start out great ... a sweet aroma to us but end up a stench to each other.
Throw away people, throw away families, throw away relationships......
Significance that missed its target, its intention and certainly its original plan.
Gods plan, for them..... for us.
What kind of significance are we supposed to be searching for anyway.....
Not a worldly significance but a significance that only God can provide.
A significance that says,
" O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; you understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways."
Psalm 139:1-3
Do not search for significance from the world..... it will lie to you, deceive you, leave you lonely, broken, hungry.... like a dog without a home. In search of its master.
And yet, we do this .... multiple times a day, sometimes its all we do.
Significance is found in our relationship with God.
He lays a blessing at our feet each day like a trail of sweet smelling magnolias beckoning us to come and follow Him. The journey will satisfy us if we recognize who we are in Him.... and only Him.
Often, we start with Him as our first love, our God... but we quickly trade Him in for a cheap story about us... we cheat ourselves of His bestseller ..... written by Him for us.
My hope is that my brood of two :-) will know where their significance lies. Their eternal significance...
Not in their beauty, academic achievements, athletic pursuits. Nothing they have done or will do.
Nothing they do will give them their true value. It is only found in Christ.
And then .... it all becomes beautiful.
"Hey now, this is my desire, consume me like a fire. Cause I just want something beautiful to touch me. I know that I'm in reach cause Im down on my knees. Waiting for something beautiful."
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