May 30, 2012

He can't dance.....don't ask him. He won't dance.. merci beaucoup

Why I love him...

Not because he takes me in his arms and dances me around the floor.
Yeah, I kinda like that picture..... at least in my head.
We failed miserably in dance class.. both times.
Two leaders don't make for a good team, at least on the dance floor.
At least the second go round we laughed.. a lot.
Not because he is perfect, but because he is willing.
Willing to try, to fight for us, for what is right.

Because he has integrity.
and a generous heart.
He dreams things I would say are impossible.
He let's me breathe the way I was created to breathe.
Because he doesn't try to change me (He probably should)
but, he makes me better,
and he challenges me.
Because he loves my friends, my sister and brother.. my mama and he loved my dad.
He sees his glass flowing over, not half full (I love this).
He holds my hand exactly the right way.
He doesn't act embarrassed when I am embarrassing. (I can be very embarrassing)
He acts like a little boy... a lot.
He loves his children... a lot.
He appreciates simple things.. and always sees the beauty.
He is strong and tough, and also gentle.
He never quits.
Because he tells me I am good at things.. even when I am only a little good at them.
He asks me if I want to go places that he doesn't really want to go to. He is a kind heart.
He wants the best for me.
Because he laughs often.
He doesn't say no to me.. he tells me to go see my mom, our kids, our friends.
And then he says he will fly to where I am and drive home with me( I usually have puppies and other assorted things that don't fly well )
Because he doesn't seem to care when I don't make dinner.
And he empties the dishwasher and loves to go to the grocery store( ick, yuck, I hate it )
He loves puppies and babies. (this is a big deal)
He is a healer. He tells me when it's going to be okay( this happens a lot )
Because he makes life fun.
When I am sad, he prays for me. He hugs me close and tells me he loves me.
Because he apologizes easily( really big deal)

Because God gave him to me.... only me.
He is my gift. When life gets hard, he is there and when life is good he is there.

And some day he is going to buy me a little cottage on the beach where we will walk each morning, holding hands, thanking God for the gifts He has lavished on us.

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