This year has been one opportunity after another to trust in a God I cannot see or touch... but certainly feel... when I allow Him the opportunity.
The question I ask myself is, "Do I know Him?"
Philippians 3:10 -" I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised Him from the dead..."
We can experience that mighty power, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
On good mornings... I seek God before my feet hit the floor, asking for the indwelling of His spirit in my life.
The miracle of a day, viewed closer to God's perspective, rather than my flawed, selfish eyes.
When I feel challenged by my still new surroundings, longing for the familiar relationships and community.
When I miss my kids and see pictures of my son, thousands of miles away, participating in dangerous moves.
When I wake up from a bad dream, brought on by fear of said boy being hurt because of his choice to live life to the fullest.
When I miss my dad, these 8 months that we have grieved him.
When I doubt my role, my work, my reason... here.
I am reminded.
Of truth.
The spirit has a way of doing that.
2 Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self discipline."
I have no fear. I know Who's I am and that in His time He will show me, guide me... where He desires. Until then... I will not just wait. I will study, learn, pray, trust.
The Holy Spirit is fully God and fully present with us.
He is our gift, here on earth. He is our guide, our protector and always pointing us to Christ.
He is a mystery.
Do we take the time to invite Him into our life, every day... so we may have eyes to see what Christ has for us, each day?
I do not think we can be all we are called to be, without the spirit,
the third part of the Trinity.
I believe faith grows big and without human boundaries when we tap into His spirit, which He gives freely.
Why then, do we ignore this most important gift?
Let's invite Him into our lives today.
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