I thought this was funny... but it reminded me
of where I seek Truth and wisdom.
I read something yesterday that took me off guard.
"You do not indicate presumption by continually seeking My face.
Rather, you show a tendency to trust in the strength of the flesh when you do not come to me for a gift.
Or have you mistakenly thought that your own mind had become a source of wisdom?"
Flawed Human wisdom
Jesus said in John 4:14, "Whoever drinks of the water I will give him will never thirst. But the water I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
The more we draw on this water.. the more our souls gain wisdom.
God's Wisdom... in us!
Yesterday I read, "Come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28
Then I read Psalm 2.. which begins with "Kiss the Son"... this means to surrender and submit to Him.
A prophecy of Christ.
Kissing the face of God. Oh my... this overwhelms me.
Then I read James 2 where Abraham took Issac, his son and followed God's instructions. He laid Issac on the alter. God saw that Abraham's faith and actions were working together and He called Abraham His friend.
His friend.
God's friend.
I want to be His friend.
Friendship with God
God told Abraham to take his son off the alter and He provided a ram, caught in the thorns. This ram would be used on the alter.
God credited it to Abraham as righteousness, because Abraham listened and obeyed.
Abraham did not let his emotions or his flawed, human wisdom get in the way of God.
Faith In Action
At the end of Psalm 2 it says, "Blessed are all who take refuge in Him."
Matthew 11:29 says, "I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burdens light."
God says that to us. To us... you and me.
Our Burden Bearer
Our Rest
In Mark 6 it talks about the people of Jesus hometown and their unbelief. At first they thought He was pretty awesome and then they said, hey wait a minute... I know his mom and dad. They were common folk like us, just a carpenter. Why should we follow Him and believe His stories?
Jesus was amazed at their unbelief. He could not do the miracles He desired because of their unbelief.
More Flawed Human Wisdom.
I think there is an important question we must ask ourselves... daily.
Where do we find our wisdom, our beliefs... and what is He able or not able to do in our lives?
God will do great things in and through us, when we believe in Him. If we are constantly double minded doubters then... game over.
Power gone.
Call it a day.
I desire friendship, faith, peace, rest, trust, submission, wisdom... with Almighty God. Will I submit to Him and find that?
God, forgive me for constantly trusting in my flawed wisdom. My own mind is a liar, but in You I find perfect Truth and Peace.
Who or what do you put your trust in today?
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