Aug 22, 2010

the journey of uncertainty

I am in a new house, a new neighborhood. I don't recognize the new sounds and my dog doesn't recognize the new smells. I keep driving to my old house in my old neighborhood... where some of my dear friends are. I miss the familiar.
It is a time of big change in my family. The daughter is in Nashville, her junior year of college. The son is a senior in high school. The husband has taken a job in another state. A state that is unfamiliar to us. We are east coasters and the midwest is very different. He has gone farther west....untamed territory. A boy from New Jersey! Into the wild west, oh my.

So i am holding it together here.  I have ended my job as Director of Volunteers at Pregnancy Resource Center. A place I love. The women there are my sisters They have taught me so much about life, grace and mercy. They do not judge, they simply love as Jesus loves. I miss them very much. I will go and see them this week and figure out a way to be of service to them and the girls that come with in so many needs and hurts.

We know that God has placed us here and has gone before us. He knows the trials ahead and he has covered us with his grace and mercy. We trust him for this new adventure though it doesn't come without moments of loneliness and uncertainty . It is not fun to be apart as a family and I covet our times together.

I took this picture in Tamorino,Sicily
I love adventure and i know God has something for me to do in our new community. What is it? He has prepared me with all he has taught me here these past 15 years, through people he brought into my life who have taught me, loved me and held me accountable. Surely he will not leave me with nothing to do. I pray he shows me where he wants me.

I love my sisters and brothers here and i pray God provides a way to stay close to them. These are the people you raise your children with, you share your joys and sorrows with. They know you and love you anyway. You laugh and cry and you pick each other up when one stumbles.  A precious, beautiful gift from God, that is what this kind of friendship is.

"I will go where you go. I will serve where you serve." Chris Tomlin


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yea!!!! Way to go, girlie!!! You were meant to blog!!! Love the honesty of your feelings of unfamiliarity of walking into the unknown in the mid-west!!! Your family is awesome. I miss them, too. Haha. Love, joy and peace, Dana <><


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