Smokin Joe died today. I remember him, fighting Muhammed Ali. I remember the Thrilla in Manila...yeah, I am that old.
Joe was diagnosed with liver cancer 5 weeks ago. Same as my dad... same cancer and same time. My dad is still here. Not sure how long. It's a struggle right now, for him and for us.
But there is always paradise to look forward to.
I just heard a song by Jimmy Buffet and Zak Brown ... words went like this,
"Come on in
the waters nice
find yourself a little slice
grab a bag
pack it light you'll never know until you try
when you lose yourself
you find a key to paradise."
No doubt when you do "lose yourself" you will find the key to paradise, but I am not sure they were singing about the kind of paradise I am talking about.
I like their idea and no one appreciates a slice of paradise on a tropical beach more than me.... I am all in. I'm a believer. But....
We can lose ourself and find paradise when we give our cares and worries to the God who created us. Where else can we find that kind of peace or paradise?
My husband said recently," If heaven is the ultimate glory and we as Christians believe it, why do we cling to finding cures to add numbers to our days?
He is a physician.. a surgeon, the best kind.
They like to fix what ails ya.
We spend millions of dollars on extending life, as if we could stop death.
We will never stop death... if we threw an ocean of money at it. Our days are numbered and some are tougher than others.
There is nothing wrong with modern medicine or looking for the cure for cancer. It is a noble cause and people are given second chances everyday. I am grateful for good health care.
I only need to remind myself that I am destined for another place.. Paradise.
This is not my home. Heaven is my home... this place is but a vapor.
I hope Smokin Joe is in Paradise today. I don't know his spiritual convictions. That was between him and his maker.
God loves you, no matter your thoughts about Him. He wants you in Paradise with him, when your earthly journey ends.
I am packing light and losing myself, because I know I can't do this thing called life on my own and I do want some Paradise.
My dad is packing light these days too. He is getting ready for Paradise.
Are you?
Smokin Joe was also a believer!