Dec 31, 2012

Top Five Exercises For The New Year.... Let's GO!

Do you practice these exercises? I have turned them into an Olympic sport and I proudly own a Gold medal in each one.

About this time each year I do a review... I'm thinking you do a similar mental exercise.
I consider resolutions but I am a spontaneous, undisciplined creature... so I struggle here.
Last night however, it seems 8 of us promised to meet in a few months and run a 5k together. 
Other than that, my resolutions are more of a spiritual look back, look ahead exercise.

I look at the previous year and ask myself a few questions.
Where was I was spiritually, what was I struggling with, fearing, disobeying God's call on my life, regarding?

Where do I want to be a year from now... and how will I achieve that?

How will I make my plans and yet stay open to God's direction? I can't look ahead and see the whole plan... but I can trust that He has one and that I have a responsibility to seek Him.
He is faithful to open doors and trust me with more responsibility... if I move my feet of clay and walk into unknown territories, where He has called me to go.

It's really quite a great adventure...
If I choose the top five of my past I will miss the adventure.
I love adventure, especially when God is involved. He is the most creative, spontaneous, traveling partner I have known.
 Will you join me in this new year of adventure?
What is your plan and where do you see yourself a year from now?

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