Jun 19, 2013


 When my boy was little he loved Transformers.
They were sweet... how you changed a car or truck into a huge dude/fighting machine, wth a few smooth moves of your hands.
They took on another persona, another life.
They were limitless in power...
kinda like a tricked out Superman.

 I just finished The Good And Beautiful Life from the Apprentice series by James Bryan Smith.

It's about Transformation.

"Community truly is one of the key components of transformation. The joy of connecting on a personal level with others, and lives transformed to be more like Jesus."

We need community to grow our faith. A community who loves us, encourage us, tells the truth... not what we want to hear.

Community takes time.
It is hard work.
It's a commitment.
It has value.

My husband and I talk about this frequently.
We lived the value.
We had community in the home we left.
Solid people who loved us... prayed for us... cheered for us... cried with us...
asked us hard questions.
Solid rock...
built on Truth.

You can't take that with you when you move.
Yet... God knows our needs and brings community into our lives...
I have a small community of women in my new home.
Women who are strong, real, lovely, true.

We have community at home... in our hearts, phone calls away, quick trips where we hug hard, laugh and love each other.
We want to be transformed, this is a process, a journey... not a destination. At least not this side of Heaven. It continues till we take our last breath.

 I hope you are seeking community and transformation.
Sometimes we makes excuses...
we don't need help, support. We don't let others in, share our secrets, expose our wounds.
We must...
if we are to grow as a community of believers.
There is no Lone Ranger Christianity.

Be a Transformer, not a Lone Ranger today.
You may not look like the Transformer pictured above, but hopefully you will look like love, generosity, gentleness... like Jesus, to someone.


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